Monday, December 19, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It might be a little early to be contemplating my resolutions for the new year, but it's a little late for this blog, so I think they balance each other out.

Last week I received a letter I wrote during my last Katima-days. The purpose of this letter was to be sent 6 months after the program, reminding ourselves of the stuff we'd learned and wanted to remember. Since I didn't exactly feel like reliving the good times, I used it to outline the things I wanted to accomplish over the next year or so. Included in this text are a few little things that make me shake my head, such as: an inappropriate crush that makes me embarrassed to think about; a pep talk; the conviction to speak more French; and the desire to rule the world.

It came with impeccable timing - I was having issues at work and my past self assure me that I didn't have a take shit from anyone; I considered chopping my hair - again - and my past self told me not to; and my summer travel plans dwindled and I told myself I needed to go.

Lots of things have changed since then too. I realized I like girls, too; I've grown closer to a new friend while I've drifted away from an old one; I have another novel under my belt, co-authored by a great young woman and wonderful friend; I've grown into my skin and it feels great.

I think it's safe to say that my Mid-Year Resolutions and my New Year Resolutions are a circular Venn Diagram. I think it's also safe to say that I'm happy and even though I'm still fumbling through my life, I'm working up to being the best version of myself.

If that doesn't work out, I can always turn to cat burglary.