Sunday, November 14, 2010


My computer keeps freezing. It's really bugging me. A lot.

Any way... HI! My sister just told me she's sick of going on my blog and seeing my last post, so I thought I would update while I'm taking a break from my 5K day.Yeah, that's right, I said 5K. And no, that does not mean I am running 5 kilometres today (ha). But I am instead attempting to write 5 thousand words in one day, because I am participating in (drumroll) NaNoWriMo!!!!

That's right, I am doing the time honoured practice of committing to write 50,000 words with the confines of November. I did this last year, so I went into it with both eyes open. Well, one eye was fully open, the other was dazzled by the star-studded excitement and exhilaration of committing to fewer hours of sleep, less of a social life and prospective carpel tunnel.

I started off the month strong, hammering out 3,000 words the first day (twice the required amount) so I was pretty confident. I managed to stay ahead, attacking the keyboard everyday for hours until they offered up 1,667 words and I could go to sleep. Everything was going really well until about a week ago. I got kind of busy and thought 'I have and extra 2 thousand words, I can skip today'. And it did it again and again until I was 5 thousand behind. So today, I decided that I would show the Nano beast that I wasn't a total slacker and that I could beat it and I sat down for the herculean task of completing 5,000 words in 24 hours (preferably 12, because I do like to sleep). I've made it half way and decided that as a break, I would write a blog... about Nano. There really is no escape.

Some might say that I, and the countless others who have undertaken this task, am totally, 100% crazy. And to that, I would completely agree. There is nothing crazier than agreeing to self-imposed slavery to the craft of writing for a whole month. You're willing agree to forsake quality for quantity, intelligent prose for exhaustion garbled sentences that don't make any sense on review. But during this month, you have the ability to crack the whip over your muse and create something that might not make sense, but has the potential to be magnificent and splendid and worthy of your time. There is also the opportunity for soundly trouncing your friends in one of the only way athletically challenged, passably talented nerds like myself can: word count.

I am thoroughly enjoying my vacation from sanity and my fellow (Nanoers? Wrimos?) are enjoying themselves as well.

Best of Luck.